Dr. Huimin Zhu

Selected Publications:

Zhu H, Pan M, Johansson M B, et al. High photon‐to‐current conversion in solar cells based on light‐absorbing silver bismuth iodide. ChemSusChem, 2017, 10(12), 2592-2596.

Zhu H, Johansson M B, Johansson E M J. The Effect of Dopant‐Free Hole‐Transport Polymers on Charge Generation and Recombination in Cesium–Bismuth–Iodide Solar Cells. ChemSusChem, 2018, 11(6): 1114-1120.

Zhu H, Erbing A, Wu H, et al. Tuning the bandgap in silver bismuth iodide materials by partly substituting bismuth with antimony for improved solar cell performance. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3(8): 7372-7382.